Daily Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies to Afghani
Date: 21/12/2024- 19/06/1446 -01/10/1403 Time 3:00:PM | Cash | Transfer | |||
No. | Currency | Selling | Buying | Selling | Buying |
01 | CNY¥ | 10.3393 | 9.9393 | 10.2393 | 10.0393 |
02 | US$ | 70.5000 | 70.3000 | 70.4500 | 70.3500 |
03 | EURO | 74.4350 | 73.8350 | 74.2650 | 74.0050 |
04 | POUND£ | 88.5583 | 87.7583 | 88.3083 | 88.0083 |
05 | SWISS CHF | 78.3450 | 77.8450 | 78.1950 | 77.9950 |
06 | INDIAN Rs. | 0.7944 | 0.7844 | 0.7914 | 0.7874 |
07 | PAKISTAN Rs. | 0.2519 | 0.2439 | 0.2489 | 0.2469 |
08 | IRAN Toman | 0.0013 | 0.0007 | 0.0012 | 0.0008 |
09 | UAE DIRHAM | 19.1583 | 19.0583 | 19.1383 | 19.0783 |
10 | SAUDI RIYAL | 18.6714 | 18.5714 | 18.6514 | 18.5914 |
11 | TRY (Lira) | 2.2000 | 2.0000 | 2.1500 | 2.0500 |
12 | RUB | 1.6600 | 1.4600 | 1.6100 | 1.5100 |
13 | KGS | 1.0100 | 0.8100 | 0.9600 | 0.8600 |
Average exchange rate of November for USD$ cash | 68.1384 |
67.9384 |
Average exchange rate of month of Qaws for USD$ cash |
69.2118 |
Average exchange rate of November for Euro cash | 72.8270 |
72.2270 |
Average exchange rate of Qaws for Euro cash |
73.2682 |
72.6682 |