Money Transfer
Afghan United Bank offers a swift global Money Transfer system through MoneyGram, spanning across the world. Additionally, as agent, we provide a range of Money Transfer services, including M-Paisa, M-Hawala, and My Money, exclusively within Afghanistan.
1. Money Gram
Afghan United Bank provides quick Money transfer system through MoneyGram. Our customers are able to send and receive money within ten minutes in all over the world.

2. AUB As Agent
M-Paisa, M-Hawala and My Money (AUB as Agent)
M-Paisa, M-Hawala and My Money are Quick Money Transfer services which enable the customers to transfer E-Money from one place to another place inside Afghanistan in a smooth and fast manner. Also through M-Paisa, M-Hawala and My Money services the customers are able to Cash-in, Cash-out, buy Air time (phone Top Up), Bill Payments etc.