Islamic Banking
Islamic Banking Widow (IBW) of Afghan United Bank (AUB) started its activity after receiving the license from Da Afghanistan Bank on April 2008. Islamic Banking Window is launched to provide Islamic Shari’a complaint banking services and products which follows Shari’a rules and principles. Afghan United Bank offers the best Islamic Banking services in Afghanistan market. We are offering the highest Halal profit for depository clients in the country.
Afghan United Bank has been awarded as “Best Islamic Financial Institution” in Afghanistan in the Global Finance world’s best Islamic financial institutions for two consecutive years i.e. 2014 and 2015.
Now, we are here to serve you by offering below products and facilities:
1. Depository Accounts
- Islamic Current Accounts
- Islamic Saving Account
- Especial Child Saver Account
- Islamic Time Deposit Account
2. Investment Facilities
- Murabaha
- Ijara’ah / Lease
3. Non – Funded Facilities
- Islamic Bank Guarantees
- Islamic Letter of Credit (LC)